Microsite Ideation



We collected requirements from USA gained during the discovery session, as well as from the Product and Engineering team.

Requirements for Microsite

Ideation Session

Framing the problem

We opened the session by defining Microsites, presenting current use cases and workflow. We also presented what USA likes about their current workflow, and how we could keep and enhance on it.

Click here to see the presentation deck for Microsite's ideation session.

Screenshot of Ideation Presentation Deck

Design Charrettes

Everyone in the session individually sketched and presented their ideas, and then we paired up to sketch and present again to iterate the strongest ideas. At the end of the session, we voted for the pages and features we liked the most.

Voted ideas | number of votes

  • Ability to drill down within collection groups | 9
  • Clickable list of created sections, producer can select and be auto navigated to edit that section | 6
  • Creating a template from an existing microsite | 3
  • Checkbox to indicate visibility on Navigation bar | 3
  • Ability to move content type within collections | 2