Microsite User Testing Materials

User Testing Materials


In this user testing session, we firstly gave a brief training on our Concerto Prototype, and then asked the user a few conceptual questions to check understanding. After it, we asked user to complete 6 tasks to build a few pages of the Mr. Robot Microsite. Finally, we asked some follow-up questions.

User Testing Script for Microsite

Participants' Material


Materials for User includes three parts. Part 1 is used in the training session. It is a diagram we prepared to explain to the user the concepts of a Collection and a Collection Group. Part 2 shows the collections we pre-made in Concerto for the user to complete the tasks. Part 3 includes all of the six tasks for the user, including setting a theme for the Microsite, make an Episode Page, make a Photos Page, ensure the page title appear in the Navigation bar, add a photo to an existing gallery, and make an External Link Page.

Task Sheet for Microsite