Our Process


    User Experience Process

  • 1
    We interview the users to understand their current process and workflow.
    The UX Design team
    & Product team
  • 2
    We meet with product owners and developers to generate ideas around the feature.
    The UX Design team
    & Product team
    & Dev team
  • 3
    We consolidate the ideas and create a wireframe to communicate the design and functionality with the developers.
    UX Design & Research
  • 4
    We create a responsive and clickable coded prototype built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
    UX/UI Design
    UI/UX Design
  • 5
    User Testing
    We test the prototype using Usability Testing methods to gather thorough feedback.
    The UX Design team,
    led by Joheun
  • 6
    Experience Mapping
    We synthesize the feedback and map the users' experience with the prototype to improve it in the future iterations.
    The UX Design team
  • 7
    Modify and Backlog
    We make changes to the prototype and list the possible improvements for the future.
    UX/UI Design
    UI/UX Design
  • 8
    We refine and iterate on the design to further improve the users' experience.
    The UX Design team



Based on the previous knowledge, we create a simple script that focuses on understanding their current process and workflow.

Session Recordings

During the discovery session, we screenrecord the user's demonstration to study the workflow in-depth.


We take notes while rewatching the session videos. Then, we synthesize the users' workflow and identify current use cases, major pain points, and subsequent opportunities.



We collect requirements from the brands gained during the discovery session as well as from the Product and Engineering team. This is necessary for framing and guiding the ideation session .

Ideation Session: Framing

In the framing presentation, we focus on demonstrating the users' current workflow and suggested workflow, along with problems to be solved at each step. If available, we also add competitive analysis and other relevant information that would help the participants to generate ideas.

Ideation Session: Design Charrettes

Design Charrette allows you to generate multiple potential solutions to the pain points you uncovered and goals you created. It also allows individuals to do a bit of thinking on their own before they come together as a group. At the end of the session, we vote for the best ideas and take photos for documentation.

Design Charrette:

  • Review problem statement together
  • Sketch a solution individually
  • Critique each solution together
  • Synthesize the concepts in pairs and come up with a better concept



We bring all the ideas that received votes during the ideation session and consolidate them into a workable flow.

Initial Wireframe

Then, we proceed to create an initial wireframe to communicate our design with the Engineering and the Product team. Using this wireframe, we hold Design & Dev Sync meeting to check the feasibility of our design.

Final Annotated Wireframe

At the end of a sprint, we create annotations alongside the wireframe that matches the final design and complete workflow. This helps communicating the functionality to the developers who will work on this feature in the following sprint.


Fully-interactive Prototype

Based on the initial wireframe, we create fully-interactive prototype. We bring this prototype to the user testing session to gain feedback on the workflow, interactions, and design.

Usability Testing

The in-browser prototype offers the intended users the near-real experience of using the final product. It helps them to be in a mindset of performing their real, day-to-day work and to give extensive feedback on how they would like the final product to be.


The prototype is also beneficial to the developers who will develop the product. The back-end developers have access to the in-action elements that need to be built out for the required functionality. The front-end developers can visually see the actual interaction and User Interface Design, which clearly communicate what the design team has intended for the front-end design.

User Testing

Observer's Guide

We invite members of Engineering and Product to join us in the user testing as observers. Before the session, first-time observers are recommended to read a short document regarding what the user testing is and how to be a good observer.


Before the user testing, we prepare tasks and questions for the participants and follow the script in order to gather all the information we need and to control the time.

Tasks are created considering their current workflow and aim to simulate their real day-to-day work. Questions are mostly focused on letting the participants freely speak their opinion; some additional questions are prepared to guide the participants' discussion in case they lose focus or are unsure where to start.

We take notes directly on the script, so that we don't waste time writing the question down or later get confused where the notes belong.

Participants' Material

Task sheet

We provide the participants a separate task sheet to perform a think-aloud while completing the tasks.

Rating sheet

At the end of the session, participants complete a rating sheet to rate their experience. This allows us to collect quantitative data on the participants' satisfaction and perception about the prototype that they have just tested out.

Experience Mapping

Experience Mapping

Everyone who participated in the user testing as observers gather after the testing and write their notes on sticky notes.

Next, we categorize the notes vertically by smaller features and horizontally by sentiments and thoughts. We also come up with immediate action items to start modifying the prototype.


Since experience mapping involves many people within short period of time, we consolidate all the notes again by brand to thoroughly go over all the notes. During the consolidation, we find out more improvements to be made immediately and in the future.

Journey Map

Using the information from the consolidation, we create a user journey map of the feature to highlight the workflow and feedback we received for each step. We also list the changes to be made to the prototype and proposed changes in the future.


Based on the list of changes that we identified during the experience mapping, we refine the design/prototype to match the users’ expectation and needs. When the design needs further improvement and if time permits, we ideate and prototype again as we iterate on the feature. Otherwise, the items in the list that weren’t addressed immediately go into the backlog for future implementation.