Timeline Gallery Ideation



We collected requirements from our three Discovery sessions with USA's Producer, Designer, and Design Director.

Product and Engineering Requirements for Timeline Gallery

Ideation Session

Framing the problem

We opened the session by defining Timeline Gallery, and presented current use cases and workflow.

Click here to see the presentation deck for Timeline Gallery ideation session.

Screenshot of Ideation Presentation Deck

Design Charrettes

Everyone in the session individually sketched and presented their ideas, and then we paired up to sketch and present again to iterate the strongest ideas. At the end of the session, we voted for the pages and features we liked the most.

Voted ideas | number of votes

  • Media card with gallery images organized by Season and Episode, with editable titles and movable assets | 9
  • Auto-populated episodes after inputting Season | 7
  • Media Gallery and Timeline Gallery are differentiated on Content Library list, and also state total number of media assets | 6
  • Media assets are organized as tiles, with caption directly below asset (continuous with Concerto’s current look) | 3
  • Ability to insert section separator within gallery and edit/customize the title | 2
  • Title card as “Grouping” | 2
  • Ability to title each media asset and timeline knob, with media asset on the right hand side | 1