Timeline Gallery Discovery



We prepared a script to understand the users’ current workflow, pain points, and needs. We started with a general prompt to see how Timeline Galleries are created in their current CMS, and we followed up with more specific questions as users’ went through the workflow.

Discovery Session Script for Timeline Gallery

Session Recordings

We had discovery sessions at USA with a Producer and a Designer. We then had a remote, verbal discovery with a USA Director of Design. We screenrecorded the two workflow demonstrations by the Producer and Designer.

Main use case and purpose for Timeline Gallery

  • Timeline for the season & easter eggs
  • Show events from a series in chronological order of the episodes. Content is consisted of an image or a video, with corresponding text. Users browse using the arrows, or the bottom navigation to jump through the scenes and episodes.

Timeline Gallery from USA Producer

Timeline Gallery from USA Designer

Discovery Synthesis


We synthesized three Timeline Gallery Discovery Sessions. The first session was conducted in 2016 with USA’s producer. The second and third sessions, also with USA, were conducted in June 2017.

In Discovery Session 1, the user compared the features of a Timeline Gallery with a regular media gallery, and commented that building a Timeline Gallery is much more time-consuming. One of the main pain points for this is due to their system’s inability to edit multiple captions at once. Her pain points and requirements have been addressed in our Concerto prototype in 2017.

Discovery Session 2 was conducted with USA’s designer. She gave a walkthrough of her current workflow, and confirmed that the majority of the Timeline Galleries are season-based.

Discovery Session 3 was conducted with USA’s design director. He pointed out rich text editor would be a requirement for image caption fields. This feature has been addressed and implemented in the Concerto prototype. Another feature he mentioned as a nice-to-have is the ability to aggregate all media (all gallery content) that is associated to a show and populate them automatically into a Timeline Gallery.

Discovery Session Notes from USA