Sponsorship Discovery



For the Sponsorship discovery session, we prepared a simple script that focused on understanding each brand’s workflow for sponsored content. We also wanted to understand each brand’s relationship with sponsors to tease out any unmet needs.

Our main goal was to understand what CMS requirements we needed for sponsorship, and identify pain points we could address in Concerto.

Discovery Session Script for Sponsorship

Session Recordings

During the discovery session, knowledgeable individuals from each brand discussed Sponsorship and demonstrated their workflow while we screenrecorded.

Use cases of each brand

  • USA: USA’s Integrated Marketing Unit pitch and sell to sponsors. Any content type can be sponsored, so it’s essentially dependent on what sponsors want to buy. Microsites and videos are typically the most sponsored content types.

  • Syfy: Sponsors purchase Syfy content on a tier-based system, and get different placements based on tier. This means content can have multiple sponsors, and Syfy creates custom content for sponsors if needed.

  • NBCD: NBCD has an entire team dedicated to handling sponsorship, which usually entails a special page with videos with the sponsor’s branding, or sweepstakes.

USA: Sponsorship from Producer

Syfy: Sponsorship from Sr. Director of Technology

NBCD: Sponsorship from Sr. Product Manager

Discovery Synthesis

We took notes while rewatching the session videos for each brand. We added reference images of their current CMS’s sponsorship components, along with front-facing sponsorship examples for context.

Discovery Session Notes from USA

Discovery Session Notes from Syfy

Discovery Session Notes from NBCD